
Fundraising for: Valor Knows No Gender: Run to Remember

valor-runNavy Captain, Nancy Lacore served in Afghanistan from 2011-2012 and is the creator and organizer of the Valor Knows No Gender: Run to Remember. This 159 mile run is in honor of the 159 US military women who died while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The primary purpose of this run is to raise awareness of the women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It is also a fundraiser. Nancy’s fundraising goals are to raise $35,000 total, where $10,000 would be donated to the Women in Military Service for America Memorial and $25,000 donated to Wounded Wear.

The Women in Military Service for America Memorial honors those women who made the ultimate sacrifice. Wounded Wear supports families of the fallen who face a lifetime of coping with a tragic, though honorable, loss of life.


Follow Nancy Lacore and ‘Like’ her Facebook page to receive a daily story honoring one of the 159 women.  To donate to this worthy remembrance run, please click here.


Book: Be True To You: Four Pillars of Authentic Leadership

Designed to inspire women to reach new levels of success, Be True To You, takes the leadership lessons I learned, while serving as a helicopter pilot for the Navy, and incorporates them into tips and techniques that women can use for any industry. Expected publishing date is Spring 2018.


Book (Working Title): Travel and Research, Journey Through Transition

Over a year of travel, I will explore different countries and experience a variety of cultures. At the beginning of this year, I spent January exploring the South Pacific Islands; February in New Zealand; March in Colorado, to physically prepare for my Nepal adventure in April, of trekking through the majestic Annapurna Mountain range and exploring the culture in Nepal. May was a great month spent reconnecting with my extended family though out the mid-west. For this summer, I will be in Colorado, exploring the Rocky Mountains and beginning a manuscript for a future novel. My travel schedule will resume this fall, with exploration trips to the Caribbean, Australia and Bali.